Can You Develop Hay Fever As An Adult?

It is commonly believed that signs of hay fever appear in childhood or adolescence, and this is often the case. However, it is also possible to develop hay fever in later life, although it is not always clear why this is the case. 

Some people suffer from hay fever because they are genetically disposed to, and it often accompanies hereditary conditions such as eczema and asthma. If one or both of your parents suffer from allergies, then there is a strong probability that you will too. 

Allergic reactions occur when the body’s immune system overreacts to harmless stimulants, by producing antibodies which release histamines into the blood system. Pollen is the main trigger for hay fever, especially on warm breezy days when the pollen count is high. It can also be triggered by dust mites and pet dander (tiny flakes of skin from cats and dogs).

Some physicians believe that the immune system can become altered in later life, even if a person wasn’t born with a susceptibility to allergies. This may be after catching a virus, or being exposed to excessive levels of pollution. It may even be caused by changing hormone levels, for example, after pregnancy.

Sometimes, a childhood allergy to pet dander might have been disguised by high tolerance levels, if they grew up in a household with cats and dogs, or on a farm.  If the person later leaves home and spends a period of time not living with any pets, they may notice an allergy appears when they return home, or get a pet themselves, that hadn’t manifested before.

The most common symptoms of hay fever include sneezing, a runny nose and nasal congestion, watery or irritated eyes, and an itchiness in the back or the throat or roof of the mouth. At the height of the pollen season, sufferers may find that it interferes with their sleep, and leaves them feeling tired and irritable the next day. 

There is no cure for hay fever, but it can be managed through a mixture of avoidance symptoms and medication. During the spring and summer, the pollen count from grass is at its height. To reduce your exposure, keep windows and doors closed when possible. If you go outdoors, wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, and avoid areas of freshly cut grass.

When you return from a walk outside, change into clean clothes immediately and wash your face, or even take a shower and wash your hair if your symptoms are very severe. If you have a pet that is causing an allergic reaction, you may be reluctant to rehome it if it is a part of your family, but keep it out of your bedroom.

There are also medications that are designed to treat hay fever, called antihistamines. Some types may cause drowsiness, so check the packaging carefully, especially if you plan to drive. Nasal corticosteroid sprays can reduce the inflammation of the sinuses, and nasal gels can be applied directly to the base of the nose to help prevent pollen from entering. 

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