How Can Migraines Be Treated?

Migraines are often thought to be a bad headache, but the symptoms can be much more varied and severe in some cases. Migraines are a debilitating health condition, that can prevent the sufferer from working or carrying out household duties. There is no cure, but there are some treatments that help to lessen the symptoms.

What are the symptoms of a migraine?

The most common symptoms of a migraine attack include a severe headache or throbbing pain, which may be felt at the front, back, or one side of the head. It is often accompanied by a heightened sensitivity to sights, sounds, and smells, tiredness, and nausea. Some people also see flashing lights, or have other vision disturbances.

An attack can last from four hours to three days, and the sufferer may be completely incapacitated. They usually begin in early adulthood, and are more common in women than in men. Some people get them every few days, while others may only have an attack once a year, or less.

What causes migraines?

There is thought to be a genetic link to migraines, so if you have a parent or sibling who suffers from them, then you are more likely to be prone to them as well. Scientists believe that a temporary imbalance of blood vessels, nerve signals, and chemicals in the brain is a factor, but the exact causes are not well established.

Some people find that they are sensitive to certain triggers. These can include alcohol, stressful situations, hormonal disruptions, tiredness, lack of food, and being too warm or too exposed to bright light.

How can migraines be treated?

Over-the-counter painkillers such as paracetamol and Ibuprofen may help to relieve a migraine. Some sufferers may also take medicines which contain codeine for a more severe pain, but these types of medicines can be addictive, and are not recommended for long term use.

Pharmacists may recommend medication which contain anti-emetics, such as metoclopramide and domperidone, if you are prone to feeling sick. They can reduce the feeling of nausea or vomiting episodes, and help the body to absorb the medication properly.

Another type of medication for severe migraine attacks are triptans. These are medicines that are designed to reverse the changes that take place in the brain during an attack. They are available on prescription.

Sufferers usually find that lying down in a darkened room, keeping still and away from noise and screens, will help to ease the migraine.

Can you prevent a migraine attack?

It is not always possible to stop a migraine from developing, but it can help to identify your triggers. Some people find that a certain type of food, such as dairy or chocolate, will trigger an episode. Stress, alcohol, low blood sugar, and dehydration are also common triggers.

It is advisable to look at your lifestyle as a whole, and see if you can do anything to improve your overall sense of wellbeing. This may mean sticking to a healthy eating plan, taking more exercise, or cutting back on alcohol. All these factors can help you to sleep better and reduce stress, which may have a positive effect on the frequency of migraines.

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