Five Top Tips To Make Dry January Stretch Out For Longer

If you have made the commitment to avoid drinking alcohol during January, you may decide that a few pints at the end of it is your just reward. However, you may have already started to notice some of the positive benefits of remaining sober, including increased energy levels and better sleep.

There are many health benefits to be gained from giving up alcohol, but there’s no denying that for most people, resisting the temptation to have a pint of beer or a glass of wine at the weekends is a tough challenge. This can be particularly true during the cold dark months of winter, when all the seasonal festivities seem to be long past already.

However, there are plenty of strategies you can use to make your sober spell stretch a little further. Here are some ideas.

Identify your triggers

We can become conditioned to expect an alcoholic beverage at certain times, such as on a Friday night when you get home from work. If you find that this is the case, try and put some distraction tactic in place such as doing some yoga or going for a walk. Often, by postponing past the usual time that we expect to have a drink, we find that it was habit rather than need.

Ask yourself what you have gained so far

Many people notice beneficial side effects from a month off booze, such as losing weight and smoother skin. You may also find that your mood improves and you have more energy than usual. You have probably also saved yourself some money, always welcome at this time of year. These gains may motivate you to carry on the dry spell for longer.

Find a supportive network

If the people around you are continuing to enjoy alcohol, it can be difficult to resist the temptation to join in. There are plenty of online and in-person support groups you can join, where you will find some moral support and encouragement in your quest to stay sober. 

Consider trying alcohol free versions of your favourite drinks

Alcohol free drinks have come a long way in the last few years, with lots of new no alcohol beers, wines, and even spirits available. These often taste just as good as the real thing, so if it is the taste of your favourite alcoholic beverage that you are missing the most, why not consider giving one of these brands a try.

Consider drinking less

If the thought of life with no alcohol is just too bleak for you to contemplate, consider ways in which you can reduce your consumption. Maybe you could just drink on one or two nights of the week instead of three or four. Keeping a record of how many units you are drinking can also help you to keep track of how often and how much you are drinking.

If you were regularly drinking more than 14 units a week, this can lead to a higher risk of liver disease and other serious health conditions, so returning to this level is best avoided.

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