What Can You Do To Tackle A Bad Bout Of Acid Reflux?

Of all the persistent gastric problems that you can experience, acid reflux can be among the most unpleasant. Not only does it lead to heartburn, bloating and wind, but it can also leave an unpleasant taste and burning sensation in the throat, as well as other symptoms like hiccups and bad breath.

If you suffer from this, it is important not to endure in silence. There is much you can do about it, both in terms of the medication you take and wider health steps.

When the condition is persistent, it is known as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). GORD is a condition that will need more than just indigestion relief tablets, although these are undoubtedly a major tool in your armoury for dealing with it. 

There are many common causes of GORD, which can include transitory ones like pregnancy or increases in hormones, but often are related to wider health issues and consumption. Smoking, excess caffeine, too much chocolate, spicy and fatty food and even tomatoes can all cause the condition or make it worse.

However, it is also important to check your medication, as ibuprofen can sometimes cause or make the condition worse.

As well as cutting certain kinds of food out of your diet, there are others you can add to improve matters. That means more fibre, alkaline and neutral foods. Bran, bananas, melons and cucumbers (the latter has so much water it helps get the PH down towards 7) can all make a difference. Eating smaller but more frequent meals also helps. 

You should also make sure you give your stomach more space, by sitting or standing up after meals instead of lying down and losing weight to give it more space.

By combining all these measures, you can go a long way towards relieving your symptoms, ensuring GORD is a rare issue instead of an ever-present problem.